
Macaroni Made - Funny-Bunny Face

By Jamie Guillet, N Attleborough-Fall River PM March 29, 2012

These faces are so simple to make, you'll be able to make them for the whole family for a fun photo op or for everyone coming to your egg hunt next month! It is also a versatile craft and can be made from whatever you have on hand- foam, felt, or construction paper. Don't have any of those on hand- plain paper colored in works great too and adds something to keep those little hands busy! 


- 3 pieces of your chosen material (foam, felt, or construction paper) in tan or brown, white, and a 3rd color of your choosing


-glue stick

-craft stick (popsicle stick) 

-black marker 

-a circle for tracing- yogurt covers or tuna cans work great 


Step 1- Trace your circle onto the brown or tan sheet.

Step 2- Trace a second circle on the same sheet with a 1-1.5 inch overlap over your first circle (you can eyeball this, no need to get the ruler out.) This will create your bunny cheeks. 

Step 3- Cut out your cheeks and set them aside.

Step 4- Cut (2) 2 inch long, 1 inch wide rectangles from your white sheet, you can eyeball this also. 

Step 5- Cut a heart or an oval button nose if you prefer from your 3rd sheet. 

Step 6- Assemble your bunny face by gluing the nose on the top in the middle and by gluing the teeth to the back on the bottom. 

Step 7- Secure the craft sick to the back & add freckles with your marker for a finishing touch. 

Step 8- Take a picture of your family, coworkers, or Scout troop and share it with us :)